With the drastic and unpredictable change in the climatic condition and increasing pollution in our environment the incidence of Sinusitis are increasing in our Country. A study from Unani hospital Srinagar and Ayush Centres in Kashmir shows that the mean age of patients with sinusitis are 34 years old in which 70% of them were diagnosed with chronic maxillary sinusitis. Increase in heat and humidity in further south is bringing lifestyle changes like frequent intake of cool drinks and prolonged exposure in Air conditioned rooms and poor ventilated facilities which may again result in insult to the respiratory system or the immune system. A study by the National reporters, Times of India featured a story on 11 April 2012, stating that 1 in every 8 Indians suffered from Chronic Sinusitis. In this blog we are going to understand Surya Varta or Sinusitis as described in Granthas by Aacharyas of Ayurveda.

ICD 10 (International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision) defines Sinusitis as Inflammation of the nasal mucosa in one or more of the paranasal sinuses. Sinusitis can be marked by headache, nasal discharge, dizziness, swelling in the face and breathing difficulty. Suryavarta described by Acharyas is a Shiroroga that is marked by headache that starts in the morning and becomes severe by noon. Symptoms of Surya Varta includes:

  • – Frontal headache, which is characterized by periodicity.
  • – Tenderness on the frontal sinus floor just above the medial canthus causes an excellent
  • – In the central part of the middle meatus, a nasal discharge was seen higher up.
  • – Nasal mucosa in middle meatus inflamed.

As discussed above Sinusitis described by Modern medicine and Surya Varta as described by Ayurveda is the same condition.

Now lets understand sinusitis and its causes from the granthas:

  • – It is the infection or inflammation of para nasal sinus most commonly caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Morexella cattarhalis.
  • – Duration of may last at least 7 days up to 28 days.
  • – According to Ayurvedic Granthas vayu and kapha doshas are the root cause of Surya Varta.
  • – Other causes of sinusitis include structural deviations of the nasal tract, allergic history, Smoking and Weak immune system.

Treatment of sinusitis

Treatment for chronic sinusitis in modern medicine include the following:

  • – Nasal corticosteroids: Nasal sprays that relieves and soothes swelling.
  • – Saline Nasal Rinse: Helps clear Sinus
  • – Allergy medicines
  • – Pain relievers for headache

As symptoms worsen the degree of treatment for sinusitis increases.

Treatment for Chronic Sinusitis in Ayurveda is multidimensional that uses diet modifications, lifestyle changes, oral medicines and other ayurvedic practices for its sustainable management.

  • 1. Panchakarma: Ayurvedic detoxification. It translates to five actions which is a cleansing and rejuvenating procedure. It is an individualized method of treatment that is flexible as per the needs of the patient. The ‘Panchakarma’ is a procedure which is founded on Ayurvedic ideas, which state that each human being is a unique phenomenon exhibited via the five primary components of ether, air, fire, water, and earth. These ingredients combine to form three doshas (tridoshas): Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, and each individual’s equilibrium is unique. When this doshic equilibrium is disrupted, disruption and illness occur.
  • 2. Nasya Karma: Nasya is an Ayurvedic name for a technique used to treat migraines, throat, nose, ear, sinusitis, and other conditions affecting the organs above the neck. Ayurveda cleanses these organs and eliminates vitiated doshas via the nasal apertures.It builds up and fortifies the shoulders, torso, the epidermis and neck area. Following three to four weeks of Nasya administration, the sensory systems grow significantly more powerful. Anyone who notices aging hair is capable of getting rid of it using frequent Nasya treatments. The nasal medicine also helps to strengthen an individual’s optical perception.
  • 3. Shirodhara: It is a traditional remedy from Ayurveda that consists of gently and persistently dripping therapeutic oil or concoctions over the area of the forehead. The treatment generates a calm level of consciousness, thereby contributing to a psychosomatic equilibrium. Shirodhara therapy results in profound feelings of well-being, mental clarity, and cognition. According to Ayurveda, stress or
    anxiety-related incidents block the passage of Vata dosha, resulting in searing headaches. These oils have a calming effect that helps control irritated doshas and relieves stress-triggered aches and headaches.


Sinusitis is a condition caused by swelling of or inflamed sinus marked by tenderness around the cheekbone, sharp headaches and runny nose. The headache may be aggravated by sudden movements or strain. Though the condition may be accounted as an acute infection, if left
untreated the infection can become chronic. In some cases where the infection is close to the brain can eventually affect the brain cells. Therefore it is important to find the best ayurvedic hospital near you and get connected to the best ayurvedic doctor for a sustainable treatment plan for your condition. If you are a person who has recurring sinusitis episodes alter your lifestyle practices and adopting habits that balances your Doshic Equilibrium will give you a permanent solution to your condition.

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