Unlike the modern medicine which forces the PANCREAS to produce more insulin, our medicine works on the LIVER to keep the body to have Samaghni. It stimulates the brain for hormonal balance. It does not load your body with Insulin hormone and protects the body from inflammation.


  • – Enhances glucose absorption in cells
  • – Improves Metabolism
  • – Fights degeneration
  • – Detoxifies the Liver
  • – Fully absorbed by the body. Leaves no toxins behind
  • – Boosts Immunity

Our Medicine Is Not Insulin Based And Hence Will Not Keep Your Body In An Inflammatory State.

Unlike the modern medicine which forces the PANCREAS to produce more insulin, our medicine works on the LIVER to keep the body to have Samaghni. It stimulates the brain for hormonal balance. It does not load your body with Insulin hormone and protects the body from inflammation.Unlike the modern medicine which forces the PANCREAS to produce more insulin, our medicine works on the LIVER to keep the body to have Samaghni. It stimulates the brain for hormonal balance. It does not load your body with Insulin hormone and protects the body from inflammation.Unlike the modern medicine which forces the

PANCREAS to produce more insulin, our medicine works on the LIVER to keep the body to have Samaghni. It stimulates the brain for hormonal balance. It does not load your body with Insulin hormone and protects the body from inflammation.Unlike the modern medicine which forces the PANCREAS to produce more insulin, our medicine works on the LIVER to keep the body to have Samaghni. It stimulates the brain for hormonal balance. It does not load your body with Insulin hormone and protects the body from inflammation.